
Fang Zheng

“I was walking in the Liubukou neighborhood. Suddenly, there was an explosion. I didn’t know what it was. I only saw the smoke. No one knew what to do. We could see almost nothing. A girl behind be fainted. I picked her up and went toward the roadside. When I was moving passing the bicycle lane toward the pedestrian lane, where most students were walking on, we were closer to the automobile lane, tanks speeded in. high speed from behind. It was very sudden. I had no time to think clear. The only thing I saw was the barrel of the tank. I didn’t see the entire body of the tank. Neither I got a clear picture of the environment. Intuitively, I pushed the girl away toward the pedestrian lane. I had no space to move, lost my balance and fell. That tank crushed my body.“


Liu Suli


Wang Kang