
Vytautas Landsbergis

"We also had our own singing revolution, call this thing later the National Song Festivals. It was traditional in Baltic states. This is now recognized as world heritage by UNESCO. Song festivals are our cultural heritage. I like to sing. I was a participant in boys choir. later as a student after study, I like to sing among friends. But that open singing, once in secret, by massive people, that was giving strength that we are unbroken. Nobody can push us out of our way. In a similar way, not only carol or mass carol singing, but also in great activities of more than Lithuanian music, directly sang plans – more than composers – with compositions, they are talking about destiny of a nation. People listened to it. About the destiny maybe in symbolic forms. In the changing time, changing epochs, how the genuine culture has been persecuted, how was it eliminated, how does the genuine culture thrive to resist, to survive. It was understood very clearly that it was about us today. It was not about the ancient times, about ages of history. It was about us today. It was in literature. It was also in literature in such an elliptical content of sense of human beings. That sense of human beings was not the fake picture of happiness in future communism. Your life is true. You have to be consistent in your values, in your understanding, in your solidarity with similarly-thinking people."


Oleg Kalugin