
Zygmunt Staszewski

“I was honored to be on the first list of the people to be arrested, which means the communist really considered me one of the top 6000 enemies of the system. To me, it’s an honor, because I got arrested on the first night of the martial law. We spent around 2 weeks in the prison in Wroclaw. On Christmas eve, we were put into trucks, with no window and they started driving us. We didn’t know where we were going, we were afraid that we might be going to another country, like Czechoslovakia, or Soviet Union, nobody knew where we were going. We ended up driving for maybe one and half hour, maybe, we found out that we were still in Poland, We were in Gorzów Wielkopolski, which is a small town between Wrocław and Krakow, They had an old German prison there which they emptied out, and they prepared for all the solidarity leaders, and that we our internment camp, where I spent another 5.5month.“


Lech Walesa


Irena Lasota